This. Year. What a crazy time to be alive. I am so thankful for so much and still grieving for what now feels like another lifetime - travel, eating out with friends, kids in school, painting class, having people over, did I mention travel?!
I was supposed to do a week-long art retreat this past fall, I was planning a series of large paintings, I tried a few watercolors before running out of time and energy, and have several commissions for family members that I haven't even started. It has been rough! Despite the setbacks this year and our total lack of a predictable schedule I painted when I could and I'm so happy that I took the time to make a 2021 art print calendar. It has been my best seller so far and the pandemic forced me to finally learn how to print postage at home! So there's that.
I am cautiously hopeful for 2021. I have plans for a 30-paintings-in-30-days challenge in January to kick the year off! More about that in a future post.
For now, happy new year! Wishing you good health and hope in 2021.